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Create and sell e-tickets and vendor pitches for your events

Easy sales landing page with Coconut Tickets

Customers buy your tickets through your sales landing page. This is the page where your tickets are displayd. Coconut Tickets has a simple tool for creating easy sales landing pages.

The quickest way to create a sales landing page is to accept the default page proposed by Coconut Tickets. Alternatively if you can customize that default page.

Vendor pitch (B2B) default sales landing pages are not the same as default public ticket (B2C) sales landing pages. That is because there are information blocks specific to selling vendor pitches or public tickets. However, the tool is the same and the principles behind the use of the tool are the same.

This article will create a quick sales landing page for public tickets, at the end of the tutorial there will be an explanation of how this may differ for selling vendor pitches.

You can create your sales landing page either during the creation of your new event, or by making changes in event admin (in the advanced menu) after creating your event. The tools are identical.

The default sales landing page for public tickets looks like the screenshot below.

The right hand panel "Blocks to be displayed" contains the blocks of information that will be displayed on our sales landing page. The order of these blocks is also the order in which they will be displayed, therefore the first block displayed right at the top of the page will be the header banner with the progress breadcrumbs coming next.

When the sales landing page is displayed to your customers, every information block will be filled with information you already provided. For example, the header banner information comes from the logo you entered on the business profile page and the event description is the description you entered when you defined the event. Therefore the content of these blocks is dynamic and each will be fill intelligently when the page is displayed.

This page could be used as it is, however, let's assume we want to customize it.

On the left you see a list of available blocks that are not on your sales page. To use any of these blocks on your sales page simply drag that block from the available blocks area and into the "blocks to be displayed" area. Once there you can move it up or down until you have it in the order you want to display it.

Similarly if there are blocks in the display pane that you don't want your customers to see then you can drag those blocks to the available blocks area and they will no longer be displayed.

It is also possible to change the colour and font formatting of the whole page or the formatting of one block, these will be the subject of a separate tutorial.

If we are making these changes from the event admin area then clicking the "save" button will update the event with these changes, or if we are in the new event wizard then simply click "next" to move to the next step.

We can then preview the event to see the sales landing page. For example, below is a screenshot for a darts event from the event organizer called Ticket Club. This uses the default layout.

Notice how the blocks are displayed exactly in the order we saw when we accepted the default sales landing page: header banner at the top, then breadcrumbs, then the name of the event, then the date/address combination. These have all been filled automatically by Coconut Tickets.

To create a sales landing page for a vendor pitch the process is exactly the same but the specific information blocks and the default page are different.

For further information on the end to end sales process see Getting started with Coconut Tickets